USA Bestseller
USA BESTSELLER Vol 1-95 (Hepp-Computer)(1995).iso
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>Advantex Version
Advantex and Advantex 200
Version 2.2
> Release Notes
Release Notes.
for both
Advantex and Advantex 200
Version 2.2
The following enhancements, features and capabilities
were added to Advantex and Advantex 200.
o Added a line separation preprocessor(Edit Menu)
for text which has lines joined vertically by a
few touching letters.
o Added a ligatured (joined character) error
detector which properly marks untrained
ligatures in the output text.
o Added word break test processor(Edit Menu) and
adjustable word space criterion for tight,
normal or loose spaced documents.
o Much improved context rules for base
recognition, capitalization and numbers.
o Improved recognition at 200 dpi
o Improved recognition rules for base symbol
o Improved and expanded tolerance for line skew.
o Improved word space processing and testing.
o Revised some pretrained fonts.
> Arrow Keys
Cursor movement can be controlled by a number of
keys. The arrow keys from the num pad will move
the cursor in the direction desired. Depressing
the key for a period of time will accelerate the
movement of the cursor in that direction. The
Arrow Keys have been designed to act as an
alternative to Mouse interaction.
> File and Directory Access
AdvanTex comes with a complete file editor which
enables you to name files, change these names,
import files from other directories and export
files to other directories throughout your system.
Refer to your manual for complete details on
proper file creation and pathing techniques.
Basic DOS rules apply.
When editing or naming a file or directory, there
are three keys to remember. The home key on your
num pad will move the cursor line to the beginning
of the file or directory name. The left and right
arrow keys will allow you to skip over the name
character by character. The back space key will
erase the next character to the left.
> Flip Image Functions
This creates a mirror image of the original
graphics file. What first appeared on the right
hand side of the image, is now on the left hand
side. The Flip Vertical function reverses the
pixel columns from top to bottom, creating an
upside down mirror image of the original graphics
> General Help
The help screens have been designed to give you a
few basic operating instructions on the primary
functions and capabilities of AdvanTex. The
screens can be used as a quick reference source to
refresh yourself on how to complete the task at
hand. These screens do not replace the manual,
however. Thorough explanations and instructions
of all capabilities of this program should be
sought in the user's manual. The help screens are
listed alphabetically starting with Arrow Keys and
ending with Zoom Functions.
> Function Keys
There are function keys which correspond to the
primary functions of Advantex. Any of these
functions may be activated by (1) placing the
cursor over it and pressing Enter, 2) placing the
cursor over it and pressing the left button on
your mouse, and 3) pressing the function key (F1-
F10) that corresponds to appropriate function.
> Invert Page
The Invert Page feature allows you to create a
negative of the image by changing all black pixels
to white pixels, and all white pixels to black
pixels. The image will not be permanently altered
unless you save the file, so feel free to play
around with this feature.
> Keyboard
AdvanTex can be operated by the keyboard.
AdvanTex is a program that is easy to move around
in. The keypad keys change their meaning logically
when in graphics mode.
> Menu Mode key usage
CURSOR LEFT selects menu to left of current
CURSOR RIGHT selects menu to right of current
CURSOR UP up one menu / list item
CURSOR DOWN down one menu / list item
HOME top of a menu or list
END end of a menu or list
PG UP top of a menu / up one list page
PG DN end of a menu / down one list page
ENTER select function under the menu bar
ESC cancel current function
F1..F10 Short cut keys for specific functions
> Graphic Mode key usage
CURSOR LEFT left on the graphics display
CURSOR RIGHT right on the graphics display
CURSOR UP up on graphics display
CURSOR DOWN down on graphics display
HOME up and left on graphics display
END down and left on graphics display
PG DN down and right on graphics display
PG UP up and right on graphics display
ENTER anchors current cursor position
ESC cancels current function
> Mark Area, Cutout, and Erase
AdvanTex comes with the capability to draw a box
around a specific area of the graphics file you
wish to edit. There are no size limitations to
how big or small the box must be. To draw a box,
depress the F2 function key or the MARK AREA
selection under the EDIT Menu. Initially you will
have the arrow cursor and a pair of intersecting
lines. Place this intersection in any one of the
four corners of the box you wish to draw. Press
enter to anchor this corner of the box. Now use
your mouse or arrow keys to draw the rest of the
box. Press enter when you are satisifed with
where the box is located. You may now save this
boxed area as a new ATX, PCX, or TIF file. After
marking off an area, you may choose to erase the
area inside or outside of the box. To erase the
area within the box press F3 function key. To
erase the area outside of the box, press F4
function key. Either function may be selected
from your Edit menu.
> Straighten Page by Page Rotation
If you wish to change the angle or orientation of
the graphics file slightly, you can use the
Straighten Page function.
Select "Straigten Page". The arrow cross hair
cursor appears with the intersecting lines. The
object is for you to draw a reference line that
AdvanTex can use as a guide for the amount you
want to rotate the image.
With the cross hairs at an initial position, press
Enter. This temporarily anchors one end of the
line and produces a little square drag ICON
(dragon). Draw the line along some edge in the
picture that you want horizontal or vertical by
moving the dragon to the right, left, up, or down
with the arrow keys. A rubber line will follow
from the anchor point to the dragon. You can use
the "+" and "-" keys to hop the dragon to either
end of the rubber reference line. F10 will zoom
you in and out.
When you are satisfied with the new angle and
positioning of the reference line, press enter.
The line is now anchored. The program will ask you
if you wish to Go Back or Straighten Page. To
begin the page rotation, move the black bar to
Straighten Page and press the ENTER key.
Note: The larger the angle the program needs to
shift the page, the longer it will take to
complete the task. This is particullarly true
when using the EMS simulator. Larger angles shifts
may also cause some distortion of the image.
> Saving & Loading Image Files
When you initially scan in a page, it is held in
your EMS simulator or your EMS card. At this
point, the file has no name. If you wish to save
this file, you must assign it a DOS compatible
file name. To assign, change, or reformat a file
name use the functions available under the FILE
Main Menu. The LOAD FROM selection allows you to
activate a graphics file that has already been
saved to hard disk. The SAVE AS selection allows
you to assign a name to a file that has just been
scanned. The SAVE AREA AS selection allows you to
name a boxed area and/or reformat the graphics
file in ATX, PCX, or TIF file forms. The DISCARD
IMAGE allows you to remove the scanned image from
your screen without copying it to permanent
memory. QUIT AdvanTex exits you from the program
and back to the DOS prompt.
> How to Scan
To scan an image, select the OCR menu then select
the Scan Page function. Alternatively you can
simply press F3. The computer will now begin
> Scanning Options
To change any of the default selections, select
the "Scanner Settings" control panel.
> Control Panels
Control panels are windows which let you change
values which control Advantex.
> Changing a Control Panel Option:
Move the cursor bar to the selection you want to
modify and press the Enter key. Move the cursor
bar to the new setting you want and press Enter
again. The setting will change to the value you
selected remain active until you change it again.
Scanner settings are stored in the startup
profile. activate the scanner, place the cursor
over the SCAN selection box, and press Enter.
> Exiting From a Control Panel
To cancel your selections, place the cursor over
the CANCEL selection box, and press Enter. To
return to the main menu, press ESC.
> Zoom Functions
The ZOOM OUT display is a compressed view of the
graphics page that you normally see after a page
scan or load. When you wish to take a closer look
at a portion of your graphics file,
1. Press the F9 key to activate the select
targeting cross hairs.
2. Use the CURSOR keys to move the target cross
hairs to the desired location on the ZOOM OUT
3. Toggle between ZOOM OUT and ZOOM IN at the
cross hair point by pressing F10.
> Test Locating Symbols
The TEST LOCATE funtion operates on a scanned or
loaded image to locate all symbols meeting your
current OCR criteria.
The OCR criteria most affecting this function is
the spot filter size which determines the size of
the least spot to be considered for OCR and the
maximum symbol size whic determines the maximum
height or width of a symbol to be considered for
Symbols falling outside of the OCR criteria range
are not marked and are ignored during OCR. The
bitmap is written on to show the location, height
baseline for each line of symbols. You must rescan
or reload a new image after using this function.
> Test Locating Words
The TEST LOCATE WORDS performs the OCR word
separation function on a scanned or loaded image.
This allows the user to view Advantex's word
separtor capabilities for the text on the page.
The word space breaking is automatically
recalculated EVERY line and should be accurate in
all but the tightest cases (typeset with very very
small word breaks).
To run the test use TEST LOCATE WORDS on the EDIT
menu. Each word is highlighted by writting a
halftone on the bitmap and the the dynamically
calculated word space break criteria. You must
rescan or reload a new image after using this
> Using the Separate Lines Function
The SEPARATE LINES funtion operates on a scanned
or loaded image to cut lines where the symbols of
one line accidentally touch the symbols of the
line following.
To use this function set the maximum symbol size
to a rectangle just taller and wider than the
biggest single character you want to consider for
OCR (including the decenders). The select the
SEPARATE LINES function. ATX will process the bit
map and physically separate the touching lines.
After separation you can then use the normal OCR
> Handling Accidental Ligatures (Touching Symbols)
You can handle accidental ligatures two ways. The
first is to add these touching symbols to a font
by training. The second is to enable or disable
the double error marker (See: Text Settings
Menu) which outputs two error marker symbols on
detection of a wide error character.